Welcome :)

Hi there! :)
It's Polka dots and I'm the creator of this blog (obviously)
If you were wondering what the blories and all the random short stories and letters are, they were school assignments.
I'm happy that you came to see my blog and I hope you like it!
P.S. I tend to update sporadically so if you want to see me updating more regularly comment on one of my posts so I can remember that I actually have a blog. =P

Friday, June 4, 2010

Iain's corrected blog

Today, on my first day of school, my teacher was very nice. She gave me my very own cubby and I also have my very own comfy red chair. I think that she's the best teacher in whole wide world because she knows my favourite colour is red without even asking me!
All of my classmates are cool and say they like me but I don't like them because I think they're lying. Someone "accidentally" punched me and I fell into the sand pit but I said,
"It's OK because I am nice." I think he wanted to punch me and push me into the sand pit on purpose because most of me classmates are mean. I can punch all of them back though and beat them up if they every try to punch me again. Even the one who pushed me into the sand pit. I'm not scared of anybody!
Anyway, something scary happened today, my teacher tripped a kid in my class and the kid fell out the window. A big truck came by and the people in it looked at him for a really long time. Then they got out, picked him up and stuffed him into a black car and drove off. I wonder where they got the car from because it was really shiny and I want a car like that when I grow up.My teacher got taken away after that by police and now we have this old guy that smells like poop. I don't like old guys that smell like poop. They're gross.
There's also this weird guy that always stands outside of my school giving candy to kids. The kids always go into his big black van after. I wonder what happens to them because I never see them again. It almost seems like my classmates are disappearing one by one. It kind of makes me sad. My mommy says not to talk to strangers because I can get taken away too. I really want the candy that weird guy is giving out though. Maybe I'll talk to the guy tomorrow even if my mommy says not to. But It'll be OK because I'll be really careful in case he tries to take me away.

I hope that I have a good day tomorrow because school is really fun!

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