Welcome :)

Hi there! :)
It's Polka dots and I'm the creator of this blog (obviously)
If you were wondering what the blories and all the random short stories and letters are, they were school assignments.
I'm happy that you came to see my blog and I hope you like it!
P.S. I tend to update sporadically so if you want to see me updating more regularly comment on one of my posts so I can remember that I actually have a blog. =P

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My second post

Dear reader,
As you can probably tell, I'm not that good with inventing titles but that's okay. ^-^
I'm currently trying to fix the countdown clock so if it doesn't say anything don''t bother trying to fix it.
So now...
Some things about me that you should know:
What i like to do in my spare time is read books, read manga, and paint my nails =D
I know the last one might sound girly but i am a girl so mleh.
and manga...
I absolutely love manga <3
Another thing you should know is that I'm quite weird ;)
So yeah...
That's all i'll write for now
Don't forget to feed the fishies!
Sincerely, Polka dots